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Štefe`s Tomos

Štefe`s Tomos

Janko Štefe was one of Slovenia’s prominent racers, and his achievements continue to inspire motorcycle enthusiasts today. The exhibition in Trzin, organized in collaboration with the Intermunicipal Museum Kamnik and our museum, is a great tribute to his legacy. The fact that his legendary 50cc Tomos is part of the display at the Motorcycle Museum in Vransko further highlights the significance of his career in the history of Slovenian motorsports.


Novembra 2024 smo v Trzinu z Medobčinskim muzejem Kamnik odprli razstavo posvečeno domačemu dirkaču Janku Štefetu, katerega legendarni 50-kubični tomos je del stalne zbirke Muzeja motociklov na Vranskem.

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